Join our friends (and educators extraordinaire) from local bike shops and SAR to learn about mountain bike maintenance (chain repair and fixing a flat), managing common medical scenarios (wounds and dislocations), and what to pack in your pack to stay diligent on the trails. Bring your bike and your questions! FREE to join — swing by for a bit or stay for all three stations :)
General Schedule:
(Race starts from Mike Yokel @ 5:30)
5:35-6:00 Mountain Bike Pack Essentials + Chain Repair w/ Andrew Howe & Kate Robinson
6:05-6:55 Mountain Bike First Aid w/ SAR Volunteer Chris Leigh (managing shoulder dislocations, irrigating/dressing deep wounds, and assessing head injuries)
7:00-7:30 Fixing a Flat Tire w/ Andrew Howe
Register here.