Calling all mountain guides, avalanche educators, and backcountry professionals: Join us at the TCSAR Hangar for an evening with University of Utah Wilderness Medicine Fellows to learn the latest research on mountain medicine and technical rescue in avalanche terrain.
This FREE presentation will feature two University of Utah Wilderness Medicine Fellows and TCSAR’s Chief Helicopter Pilot, Steve Wilson. Presenters are excited to update mountain professionals on avalanche rescue protocol and field questions based on local professionals’ experiences in the field. All content will be lecture style and indoors. Note-taking materials encouraged! Registration required — space limited!
Donations to TCSAR are much appreciated to ensure our workshops can remain free for this community. Please select ‘Backcountry Zero’ as your ‘campaign’ :)
Thank you for showing up with plenty of time to park and get settled so we can get started right at 6.
The TCSAR Hangar is located at 300 South Batch Plant Road, just before the Spring Gulch intersection as you head out of town.
If you have any questions, please email or call the Foundation at 307.732.8337. Please do your best to give us 24 hours notice if you can no longer attend so we can ensure your spot gets filled by someone else.